Candid Chit Chats



Welcome to Candid Chit Chats, where we have honest conversations that dissect a multitude of topics varying from subtopics of religion, philosophy, politics, love, etc.


  • #5 - Power

    28/03/2019 Duración: 02h04min

    On this episode, we discuss the nature of power and what it means to have personal power in life. Has power been corrupt? And what does power look like?

  • #4 - Forms of Government

    11/03/2019 Duración: 01h59min

    Join us in our discussion of various forms of government around the world in today's world as well as throughout history. We discuss how large government should be and many variations on the forms of government. 

  • #3 - Game

    06/03/2019 Duración: 01h57min

    On this episode, we discuss game in the sense of intergender dynamics. Is having game moral? What types of game are there? What are the differences between men and women and their desires?

  • #2 - The Emotional Thought Process and Mental Biases

    28/02/2019 Duración: 02h28min

    In this episode we discuss 6 different biases that the vast majority of Humans fall into. Once you have this knowledge, you will be able to catch yourself more and more in the act of it and gradually prevent these. 

  • #1 - Toxic Masculinity

    06/02/2019 Duración: 01h18min

    In this episode we discuss what defines Toxic Masculinity, including Sexual Objectification, Hyper-Competitiveness, Aggression and Emotional Detachment.